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991 Days

Let me introduce myself to you before you start reading: Married since August 2014, been trying to conceive since August 2015. Started blogging soon after. Miscarriage in December 2017. The reason I decided on the name "The Impregnable Woman" is because of the definition of the word impregnable. It means: “strong enough to resist or withstand attack; not to be taken by force;unconquerable”. This means I am strong enough to withstand the attacks that will come in my life (infertility). I will not be taken by force and I refuse to be conquered by infertility and loss. I refuse to let infertility win in my life. So I am, and all women should be, an impregnable woman. Thank you for reading!  


Since August 2015 I have been dreaming of you

That comes out to 991 days of holding onto you

It is 23,784 hours of desperately grasping onto you

It is 1,427,040 minutes of earnestly praying for you

It is 85,622,400 seconds of loving you already

I will dream of you for another 991 days if that's what it takes to have you

You are always at the front of my mind

You are always held close to my heart

Waiting is hard, but waiting for YOU makes it bearable

Longing for something is sometimes unbearable but longing for you keeps me humble

Seeing other pregnancy announcements make me want to not be humble but knowing one day I will see my positive test makes me brave

Some times I get scared I will give up but then I remember I have waited for 991 Days and I just can’t give up on you

You are worth every moment of weakness

You are worth every tear

You are worth every victory

You are worth every second of waiting

Waiting 991 days seems like eternity, but I can't imagine waiting for anything else so precious

You may think I'm crazy for not giving up, not losing hope

What you don't know is my faith is so grounded that I have the Peace of mind I need to stay sane

I have the Joy I need to keep living life

I have the Perseverance to keep waiting for you

I have the Love I desire and my little one will just be the cherry on top

Nothing can stop me

I take it one day at a time

Some good ones and some bad ones

But 991 days later, I'm still standing 

I will wait 991 more days if that’s what it takes..... 

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