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Testing 1...2...3

Let me introduce myself to you before you start reading: Married since August 2014, been trying to conceive since August 2015. Started blogging soon after. Miscarriage in December 2017. The reason I decided on the name "The Impregnable Woman" is because of the definition of the word impregnable. It means: “strong enough to resist or withstand attack; not to be taken by force;unconquerable”. This means I am strong enough to withstand the attacks that will come in my life (infertility). I will not be taken by force and I refuse to be conquered by infertility and loss. I refuse to let infertility win in my life. So I am, and all women should be, an impregnable woman. Thank you for reading! •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~• 

Pregnancy tests. Am I pregnant? Am I not? Every question that a women dealing with infertility is dying to know. Why as women do we torture ourselves with pregnancy tests? I've done it and I've seen so many women do it too. We HAVE TO KNOW if we get to see 2 little pink lines or not. 8-9 DPO we start testing like CRAZY. Amazon now knows we like to buy in bulk. It has become an addiction to some. An addiction that pretty much always ends in heartache and disappointment. When I was testing every month, my husband finally asked me why I put myself through that? So I thought about it and I literally have no idea why I felt the need to test every time. Why couldn’t I wait until a missed period? Why did I keep putting myself through that? I have no idea. What I do know, is that I just wanted a baby so bad and I didn’t want to wait for my body to naturally tell me no (as if that’s not hard enough). I realized that taking test after test AND then my period comes is like double, triple or quadruple the amount of heartache that I brought on myself. Mondays test: negative Tuesday’s test: negative Wednesday’s test: negative Thursday morning: period comes Now I’m not against testing, but I am if it’s bringing you unnecessary heartache. Monday: heartache Tuesday: heartache Wednesday: heartache Thursday: heartache If I just waited, I would’ve just had Thursday be my day of heartache. But no, the insane baby fever in me kept telling me to test. Test. Test. I just added 3 extra days of heartache.... FOR NO REASON. So what do I do now? I don’t test. Honestly even if I am late, I still don’t. Seeing a negative test result is not my cup of tea. I’ve made up in my mind that I will not test until I am at least a week late. That’s what I do. Why do I do this you may be thinking? Trust me, I WANT to test every month but I don’t because the extra heartache isn’t worth it. It’s not worth it to see my husband get excited that MAYBE this is it. It’s not worth it to feel extra broken. How do I not test? I literally just got tired of the added pressure and negative results. My husband didn’t want to see me this sad because of pregnancy tests. How can you do it too? I say, do whatever it takes to break the habit of testing. If you gotta move your tests OUT of the bathroom. Do it. If you need your husband to hide them because you don’t trust yourself. Do it. I’m telling you, I’ve never felt to relieved. Yes, I still get sad when my period comes each month but I KNOW there is LESS heartache because I didn’t have to see the negative test. I handle myself better when other people get positive tests BECAUSE I don’t have to see all of my negative tests. My body will tell me if I’m not. Your body will too. No need to find out a couple days early in my opinion. Plus you save lots of money 😉 I hope this helps anyone that reads this. My mind and heart heal a lot faster because I stopped taking those tests. I hope yours does too. Plus with Christmas around the corner, you DON’T want that added heartache. Yes a baby WOULD be the PERFECT present but that doesn’t mean you should risk seeing the negative test results and then just ruined your Christmas. Trust me, I want a baby REALLY bad too. Who wants to take the challenge? NO MORE HEARTACHE TESTING! #nomoreheartachetesting Just the thoughts and ramblings of the impregnable woman.

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