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I Can't Wait For Morning Sickness

Yes, you read that right...... I can't wait for morning sickness.

I recently was in a room with a handful of women and I wasn't feeling well.

I mentioned that I was SUPER nauseous.

They immediately assumed I must be pregnant.

I quickly let them know that there is no way that I am right now (because there really isn't).

I let them know that I have been trying for a long time and that I know that I am not pregnant right now.

They started talking about morning sickness and how much it sucks.

Then I said to them that I would LOVE it if I had morning sickness.

They laughed.

They told me I had no idea what I was talking about or what I was asking for.

I tried to explain but they didn't hear me.

I know they didn't mean for it to hurt, but it did.

They don't know what I meant by that.

They don't understand the heartache I feel every month seeing no baby for me and my husband.

They don't understand.

So this is what I meant by it:

If I have morning sickness, that means that I have a baby growing in me.

If I have morning sickness, that means that there is a light at the end of this dark tunnel of infertility.

If I have morning sickness, that means my heart is no longer deprived from what seems like everyone else is getting.

If I have morning sickness, that just means I am one step closer to holding the baby being knitted together so perfectly in me.

By NO MEANS do I think morning sickness is fun or exciting or anything of the like.

I do NOT think morning sickness is easy in any way.

But is it worth it?

Does a new mommy think back to her time of morning sickness and think "man, that was so not worth it"?


I think every ounce of morning sickness that any woman has to go through is worth it because that means you had the honor and privilege to bring LIFE into this world.

Not everyone gets to do that unfortunately.

So when I say, "I can't wait for morning sickness"......

I hope you know what I mean.

I can't WAIT for a glimpse of hope for a baby.

Just the thoughts and ramblings of The Impregnable Woman.

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