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Listen To Me When I Speak Up

Flash back to a blog I wrote a little over a year ago:

6/22/16 Since writing these blogs, I've seen a lot of growth in myself. I have more confidence and it's easier for me to listen to people talk about their pregnancies. I think sometimes, us as women just need someone to listen to us. Don't try to fix me. Listen to me. You see, almost my whole life people have always assumed that there is nothing wrong in my life because I smile a lot. They assume nothing is wrong with me because I'm the baby of the family and so I must not have anything wrong with me. They forget that just because I have a skill of listening to others doesn't mean that I don't want to be listened TO. They forget that I may be going through something but I'm not brave enough to blurt it out so it may take someone actually asking me how I am doing for me to admit that I'm not 100% great. People assume a lot. People talk a lot. People forget to listen. I'm of course not saying this is true for everyone. I know that some can have the skill of both listening and talking. Some people really don't assume everything is ok with that one person that is smiling all the time. So, to me, this blog is my source of getting out the things I long to say to people. Sometimes I'm not able to articulate how I feel until I write it down. Even if no one reads this, me putting myself out there is what has given me confidence. You never know what people will say about the problems and fears you have, but sometimes you just got to be brave and speak up. Silence is a real threat to the joy, peace and confidence we once had. When things happen to you, whether they are under your control or not, the biggest piece of advice I could give is to speak up! If you can't find anyone to listen to you, then it might be time to find some new friends. True friends listen and will let you talk. This isn't a blog about finding good friends or about how people aren't that great to us sometimes. Nope. This is about speaking up. This is about not being silent, about how you feel and what you think about your circumstances in this infertility journey. Speaking out has given me more confidence than ever. Speaking out has given me a lot of peace about being on our 11th month on TTC. Just writing down experiences has helped me not harbor in the hurt and the pain I have felt from infertility. Speak out. Be bold. Don't be afraid to be listened to. Be vulnerable. It's gonna be ok. Just the thoughts and ramblings of the impregnable woman.

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