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Sometimes moments can be joyful. Sometimes moments can be destructive. Either moments will produce a reaction of good or bad Moments either create growth or create chaos. I had a moment today that could've either given me joy or destruction in my life. You see, I am surrounded by women that are pregnant that started trying long after I had started trying. Some of these women have shared amazing things that they are excited for in their pregnancy. I am so happy for them. One mommy to be told me that she loves singing and worshipping pregnant because she now gets to do it for herself and for her baby inside of her. She is going to be an absolutely amazing mommy and I am thrilled for her and so blessed to have her friendship. However, in this moment, I had a choice. Be joyful or be angry. I was standing in the back of the church today and she was worshiping at the very front. She was worshipping her heart out, like she always does. I saw this and my heart sank and my emotions started to take over. I was moments away from bursting out in tears. I was a moment away from getting angry at the fact that I don't get to experience what this mommy to be gets to.

Moments are filled with choices. In this moment, I looked away. I decided that I was going to be joyful and strong. I am joyful for her and the experience that she gets to have. I am strong because if I don't decide to be strong, then I will get swallowed up by the thoughts and fears that will come once I give up. Moments can change your life. I could've missed out on the rest of the beautiful song my church was singing together to God. I could've missed out on the chance to be happy for my good friend. Most importantly, I could've missed out on the peace of Christ in that moment. So next time I have a moment, I have to try my best to remember that I have a choice on how to react. Next time I have a moment, I get to choose the outcome of how I react. I'm not saying I get to choose the moment and change what happens in reality. No. I'm saying I choose what I think and what emotion I want to act on in that moment. Just the thoughts and ramblings of the impregnable woman. 

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